Belly of the Beast (Dumpster Fire)

Well… this is the last full day of being at camp with Kelly.  If you’re wondering how, as a staff spouse, I did not find/make time to update this blog with more frequency (something I had planned to do)… I don’t have a good answer or excuse for you.  I could say that I’ve been spending too much time serving others, or intentionally building community, or diligently reading/studying potential lesson plans for next year… and while there is some truth to each of those, I think the real reason is whatever else I’ve been doing, updating this blog just hasn’t been that high on my priority list.  And that’s okay.

(History will later show that it’s easier to keep a regularly updated blog in the horribly depressing late winter months of February and March while living in Chicago than in the beautiful summer time of Northern #PureMichigan)

One other thing that has been keeping me busy has been working out.  No, really.  Here is some proof:

As you can see, (and if you can’t… 21mi bike, 22mi bike, 10mi bike with 2mi run, rest day, 34mi bike, 20mi bike, 3.5mi run, 5mi run, 54mi bike, 27mi bike, and 10k run) I’ve been keeping busy.  Including a 10k run today (which I honestly feel pretty good about… my legs don’t feel good about it, but I do).  Distance: 10k 

So, what do I have to show for my efforts?  I’ve had solid workouts for 10 of the last 11 days… and yet? 

Yes, that’s right.  A weight GAIN on Fat Friday.

And what can account for this cruel and ridiculous twist in my fitness narrative?  My complete lack of personal will power, of course!  The really tragically embarrassing part of this debacle (and I’m not sure if “debacle” is strong enough, we are beyond “debacle” or “train wreck”… and might be moving into “dumpster fire” territory… as in “my nutritional situation is a freakin’ dumpster fire“.)  It’s not like I’m gorging myself at every meal.  Many days I’ve had a healthy breakfast (oatmeal or something similar) and a carefully well portioned lunch, and skipped desert at dinner… only to throw back half a pizza and an ice cream Sunday at 11:30pm at an Assigned Team party. *sigh*

See what I mean?  Dumpster Fire.

Anyway, all my hard work has been summarily negated by my utter lack of nutritional discipline.  So sad.  Food: F

And the weigh-in?  214 lbs.  (although, after my run I posted a 210.8… but that’s not the deal.  I weigh first thing in the morning… not after I’ve sufficiently dehydrated myself to near the point of death).

Hopefully I’ll get back on track once I’m home… I’m hoping to make some significant progress in July (and feel off to a good start with the 10k)…

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1 Response to Belly of the Beast (Dumpster Fire)

  1. meghan says:

    I think “summarily negated” is a little harsh. Biking AND running AND almost every day! All that hard work must be making you really hungry (an ironic culprit?).

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