
Welp, my wonderful and beautiful bride has left me.  For a week, anyway.  She is up at the best place in the world: Camp Castaway in Detroit Lakes, Minnesota with Young Life.

Here’s the deal though, and I’ll do my best here not to be overly dramatic.  When Kelly leaves… I pretty much fall apart.  I mean, at least in regards to any semblance of discipline and responsibility (perhaps not my strong suits, to start).  I stay up late, I don’t put stuff away, I waste inordinate amounts of time with superfluous and oftentimes completely avoidable tasks.

I … I don’t know… I am just generally irresponsible.  Maybe I’ve come to depend too much on her as a guide for typical adult responsibility, and I’m left thinking “free pass” when she’s gone?  I don’t know.  What I *do* know, however, is that bad discipline spells disaster for good eating.

Yesterday, even when she was here… she was out finishing up some work at the office and I saw that she had purchased some candy for girls in her cabin.  That’s nice.  But then my eye caught something… the XXL bag of peanut butter M&Ms was open.

Oh dear.

If it had already been opened then certainly no one would notice a few more M&Ms missing.  Knowing full well that they were meant for girls in her cabin, I then proceeded to essentially steal from high school girls, and eat somewhere between 12 and 75 (it’s hard to keep track, really) peanut butter M&M’s.

resistance is futile.

When she discovered my transgression, at some point during the ensuing scolding, she said something to the effect of  “you better blog about this and embarrass yourself!”  Done. (wwwwooorrrrth it)

Also, last night we had all the leaders over for a send-off dinner.  I ate far too much pizza (and chips).  And yet, there were still leftovers.  Today I had a plate of Cheetos for lunch.

Yup.  A plate of Cheetos.  I meant to make a grilled chicken salad.  But then I saw the Cheetos from last night, and ate a couple.  Then I thought “these are so good… I should have a small serving”, so I poured a few out onto the plate that was meant for the salad.  But it didn’t look like quite enough… so I poured a few more… then a few more.  And before long, I had a plate of Cheetos.  Then I ate them all.  (while watching Shark Week)

I felt so guilty that I didn’t even allow myself to have anything else from lunch.  Great… so zero nutritional value there.  Also, then Browning came over and had left over salsa verde from Los B’s… so I ate that with some chips for pre-dinner.  Yup, a banner day here at the ole Nicholas house.  I need to get rid of all this food around me (feel free to come by and pick some up).  That’s my only hope for control.  This is a cry for help.  Food: F

The only good news from today from a fitness perspective was my run this morning.  It ended up being a little shorter than I wanted because of the heat.  But, I ran at a good 8:15 pace for about three and a half miles.  That is my previous race speed for a 5k, but today it was good as just a “good regular run” speed… not “easy” but definitely not at my limit.  It feels good to be improving.  Distance 3.4 miles

And the magic number… 204.2 lbs

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