Fat Friday!

I will keep this short today, mostly because I’m exhausted (pulled the REI post-work shift tonight).  I will have some more thoughts tomorrow.

I was reminded of it being Fat Friday at REI when I bought a pair of swim trunks for tomorrow’s swim (trying to alleviate my battered knees)… This is what the tag looks like, courtesy of our friends at Patagonia:

If you can’t tell (perhaps my hangnails are obstructing your view)… the size is XL.  Unless you live in Europe or Asia (Eurasia) … then it’s XXL.  Subtext: “Welcome to America, if this was any place else, you’d be fat!” … or more aptly, perhaps “Welcome to America where you’re already pretty fat, but anywhere else and you’d be REALLY fat!”  (as an aside, you might have noticed a few continents are missing from this tag… my guess is there is a chance they aren’t selling a lot of Patagonia swim trunks in the continents not already mentioned).

Anyway, food wasn’t great today, oatmeal for breakfast was good, but then a quick lunch on the run ended up being hardly anything, and dinner was a hamburger patty at REI (employee grill out to celebrate bonus checks) and a clif bar.  Not ideal.  Food: C+

I didn’t work out today, just work.  Distance: o

Weight: 235.4 lbs … 3 pound drop from last Friday.  Not bad.  “They” say you shouldn’t lose more than 1% of your body weight per week (in the context of healthy weight loss), which makes sense to me, but I’m so far over what I normally weigh that I don’t think it would hurt to lose a little more than that for the first few weeks here.  Anyway, decent progress… on we go… (I forgot to get a resting heart rate this morning, maybe I’ll try tomorrow)

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