What It Is

So I’m trying to start another blog, I guess.  This one will be shorter, more haphazard, and far less insightful than any previous attempts (not saying much)… in the hope that I actually stay with it.

The primary purpose of this blog is public humiliation in hopes that it spurs motivation.  I am big and fat and slow and embarrassingly bad at sports in which I could have only recently been classified as highly as “below average”.  Anyway, this blog will chronicle my weight loss… my epic battle against fat that is trying to kill me… my meager attempt to live a healthier life style… however you want to look at it, I guess.  I’m dropping weight.  You get the idea.

I’ll try to discuss what I’m eating, how I’m training, and how both of those experiences are affecting me… along with other various thoughts.

At the bottom of each post will be a driving push for motivation: my current weight.  Unfortunately, I wear it reasonably well, so while you’d notice I’m far from svelte, I don’t think people really understand how jarringly unhealthy I’ve become…   Well, now you’ll know… if you’re bored enough to read this blog.  And I’ll know you know.  And I’ll have to do something about it.

It begins tomorrow.

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1 Response to What It Is

  1. stevesherwood says:

    So, what’s your plan to get to 24min. and do you have some intermediate goals along the way that you’d be happy with? If you are doing something else on the non-running days, you can really see quite a bit of running improvement off of that much running. Do you spin those other days?

    Here would be my suggestions if you truly are just slowly jogging 30 min. at this point.
    1. on one of those days try to go more like 45 min. even if that means you walk a bit in the middle or jog even slower.
    2. on one of those days, pick up the pace a few times. If you really aren’t doing anything quick right now, at first I’d have those be short pickups with nice recoveries between each. Maybe 30-60 seconds up tempo and then a jog of a few minutes. Do 4-8 just incorporating them into your 30 min. jog.
    3. one day, start nice and slow for 10 min. and then every 5 min. try to pick up the pace a bit. What Jeff might call a ‘cut-down’ run. End with another slow 5 minutes.

    If that’s all too basic, you could make those pickups longer and harder and recover for less time between them.

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