
Hey how about that?  I ran 5k without stopping.  Distance: 5k.  I realize there are several possible responses to this:

“I don’t really care” – A popular choice to be sure.  Thanks for stopping by.

“Yeah, so did I… when I was like 11.  You must be in horrific shape to be celebrating such a trivial athletic achievement” – Right, yes, quite astute of you.  I’m a physical train wreck.  Along those lines though, I can assure that running for a longer distance is more difficult when you’re the size of an adolescent rhinoceros.  Why don’t you strap on one of those pregnancy simulating vests and give that 5k another shot… yeah, welcome to my world.

“Wait a minute, I thought you’ve been running around 3 miles pretty regularly lately.  You posted that you ran a 5k on Monday!  Have you been lying?  You’re a liar!  Where did you learn this kind of behavior?!”You!  Alright?!  I learned it by watching you! But seriously, I actually have been running 5k, just with intermittent walk breaks… I’m on the “you’re too fat to run, try a run-walk” program.  Usually run 10min / walk 1.  Or something like that…

If I could bring it back to cycling (where I belong)… today was my first day with the training wheels off.  It felt good.

– “What was your time?” – Shut up.  I just said it felt good.  Don’t ruin this for me.

On the food side, a pretty good day.  Fruit smoothie in the morning (fruit smoothie consists of fruit, a small amount of fruit juice, and sometimes some unsweetened soy milk or some light protein/vitamin powder… it’s mostly just fruit though).  I had chef boyardee ravoli for lunch.  Not ideal, but it’s cheap, fast, hot, and not horrendously unhealthy… although it does fly in the face of the Food Rules credo I’m trying to stick with… more on that later.

Dinner… well, I owe my delicious dinner to my wonderful Crock Pot.  What a brilliant and under-appreciated machine.  The steps for making this dinner are as follows:

1 – put some raw chicken in the crock pot (I used 3 chicken breasts)

2 – pour a jar of salsa over the chicken

3 – turn on the crock pot, cover, go to work.

Or if you’re illiterate and can’t read, you can just look at this photo and pretty much figure out what’s going on.

By the time I got home from my post-work run, I had delicious (crazy flavorful) succulent juicy chicken that just fell apart on a fork.  I put it on some wild rice with some steamed spinach, but it would go great in ANYTHING… burrito, sandwich, quesadillas (I make a mean quesadilla), soup, casserole, on top of nachos… really anything at all that is even remotely mexican themed and calls for protein… you’re good to go.  I’m sure this could work with other toppings as well (bbq sauce for one).  I look forward to the possibilities…  Food: B

And the magic number: 239.4 lbs As a side note here, I realize it’s slightly ridiculous to weigh myself every single day.  I’m hoping for change (not an Obama reference) on a broad scale (ha, see what I did there?) over time.  Hopefully, my week to week measurements show steady progress… I’m not going to worry about each individual daily measurement (although I’m hoping that weighing it at about the same time each day will provide some consistency)

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5 Responses to Milestone?

  1. Kelly says:

    In the future, I’d like a shout out for the key components of your dishes that I prepare. For instance, “I put it on some wild rice (insert: prepared by my amazing wife)”. Also it was brown rice…although I appreciate that, had you given me credit, it would have made my significant / only contribution to the meal sound more sophisticated 🙂

  2. jpurdom says:

    You should do a weigh in once a week, that way you can see some significant changes.

    • Dan says:

      Yeah, I agree, but part of this whole thing is a constant reminder that I need to cut that weight. It’s a nice daily kick-in-the-ass…

      That said, not a good indicator of progress… at least, not daily. Ergo, my institution of Fat Friday, which will act as a better weekly progress check.

  3. – “What was your time?” – Shut up. I just said it felt good. Don’t ruin this for me.

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