Weekend Confessional

In contemplation of my actions this weekend, I feel the stirring need to confess.

Forgive me, blogosphere, for I have sinned…

I watched a lot of basketball this weekend (an action, for the record, I am NOT sorry for), but also ate a lot of junk, and pretty much didn’t exercise.  I really meant to, in fact, I was going to punish myself with a long run on Saturday, but my sister was in town and she ruined everything.  Oh wait… this isn’t one of those posts where I blame everyone else (don’t worry, Emily, you’ll get your turn).  For now… the confession:

  • I had Chipotle on Thursday, and not the healthy kind… the delicious quac and chips kind (my go-to at Chipotle, bowl with all the fixin’s, throw some quac in there, stir it up, and it’s an awesome chip-dip.  This is old hat by now, but just thought I’d mention it in case you’ve not partaken… it’s a gamechanger).
  • I ate at a place called Flip’s on Friday… I had a huge delicious greasy gryo with a side of fries
  • On Saturday, I tried to eat healthy… I had a small bowl of cereal, then a salad for lunch, and then some veggies and hummus for dinner.  Success?  Wait for it… then I had some chips and salsa while watching basketball.  And THEN someone (Lindsey Hankins) wanted “something sweet” for dessert and had frosting but not enough eggs to bake a cake, so someone else (wife) suggested graham crackers for dipping in the frosting (funfetti frosting, mind you).  The solution, thanks to my friends/family: dipping chocolate teddy grahams in funfetti frosting.  I must have had half the cup myself, and that was trying to restrain myself AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE.  I mean, everyone in the room knows I’m trying to lose weight… and I. just. keep. dipping.  You can almost hear them thinking “Isn’t Dan trying to lose weight?  How come he’s consumed 250 teddy grahams and half a cake’s worth of frosting?  How can any one man be so undisciplined?”
  • On Sunday, I had pizza from Gino’s East.  This has not been scientifically confirmed, but I am almost certain that there is not a more unhealthy recipe for pizza anywhere in the United States of America (and thus, the universe, since we’re #1… U! S! A! U! S! A! U! S! A!)

and did I mention I didn’t work out?

Yessir, it was a banner weekend for fat Dan Nicholas.


Distance: 0

Food: D

Weight: 230.0 lbs (according to Fat Friday’s weigh in.  Saturday and Sunday both weighed in at 230.2)

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6 Responses to Weekend Confessional

  1. meghan says:

    frosting and graham crackers! that’s cruel! I gained 10lbs in 4 weeks when I was pregnant because of that stuff (nathan was still the size of a small rodent at the time so I can’t blame it on him).

    • Dan says:

      Yes, it WAS cruel of my wife to supply us with such an insidious idea. Good point Meghan. You’re right… she does deserve a lot of blame in this situation.

      And yes, graham crackers (especially of the “teddy” variety) and frosting (especially of the “funfetti” variety) are very very dangerous.

  2. Pingback: Encouragement | dan vs fat

  3. lindsey says:


    (1) i refuse to be held culpable in this
    (2) you are WILDLY exaggerating your claim about how many you ate
    (3) lets not forget to mention the incredibly HEALTHY and DELICIOUS cornucopia of snacks i put out before that. antioxidants. protein in a non-meat form. esoteric vitamins. all of it was in there. and lets not forget the presentation….huh?…
    (4) disregarding the work of shame in this blog, i’m super proud of all the hard work you’re putting in
    (5) and again, not culpable.
    (6) not culpable

    • Dan says:

      Linds, I must admit my negligence in fully describing the excellent “cornucopia” that you so graciously offered. It *was* healthy and delicious. Thanks.

      And I did not mention your name to identify you as a culprit, so much as namedrop to try to earn some more street cred. You know, with the youths.

      Lastly, as far as my exaggeration, I’m not sure if you’ve read any other posts on this blog, but I NEVER exaggerate. Not even a little bit. Not ever.

  4. Pingback: Encouragement | dan vs fat

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